Thursday, October 2, 2008

Part 5

Ifill - How do you change the tone?

Biden - I have been able to work across the aisle and change minds of GOP and Democrats. Tells story that Mike Mansfield told him never to question another Senator's motives.

Palin - You do what I did as Governor - appoint regardless of party affiliation. Walk the walk, not just talk the talk. The policies and proposals have to speak for themselves. Lowering taxes, reign in spending, energy independent, OR vote for the guys that want to increase taxes and spending and are not for energy independence.

Closing statements

Palin - Thanks. Nice to meet you Senator Biden. I like talking directly to the American people. We will fight for middle class families LIKE MINE. Zinger: I'VE ALWAYS BEEN PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN. Freedoms - fight for them. Line about McC being the only one in the race who has really ever fought for you.

Biden - Thanks, nice to meet you too Governor. Last 8 years sucked, need fundamental change. We measure progress by whether someone can pay the mortgage, send their kid to college, etc. Best health care and best education possible. Neighborhood where I grew up, dignity and respect were foremost. When you get knocked down, get up.

Insta-reaction: Palin helped herself A LOT. Go CUDA!

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