Friday, October 24, 2008

PA Prediction

You heard it here first. John McCain will win Pennsylvania. Let me say it again. John McCain will win Pennsylvania. For all of you Liberals out there, this is very bad news. SO bad that you better all start buying your air line tickets to France. Because once McCain wins Pennsylvania, he wins the election. It's that simple. They don't call us the Keystone state for nothing.

1 comment:

philly boy said...

This is just about the most worthless blog I've read. You better get new tea leaves. You're dead wrong on ALL points! Oh, and by the way---McCain and Moosemouth just got clobbered in Pennsylvania. Obviously the joke is on me and this is a Parody Blog, because your opinions are all proving to be dead wrong! Funny stuff!!!! I guess you might have to see the world a bit since your "socialist" nightmare is about to unlease his French vision of hell on your sorry conservative self. Ha ha Ha......