Sunday, May 3, 2009

When will the GOP learn its lesson?

From Politico, seems the hapless Republican establishment is urging moderate Tom Ridge to challenge conservative Pat Toomey in the Pennsylvania senatorial primary. When will these country clubbers learn that moderation is a one-way ticket to defeat? Did it ever occur to them there's a valid reason why Toomey was polling 20 points ahead of Stimulus-lovin' Specter, prompting ol' Arlen to make it official and declare himself a Democrat? Have they no recollection of recent history, specifically the 2004 election, when Toomey nearly beat Specter in the general (51-49%), in spite of being thrown under the bus by President Bush and Senator Rick Santorum?

Cut away Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and you're left with a Keystone State that more closely resembles Alabama or Kentucky than its deep-blue neighbors New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and New York. In a state populated with Reagan Democrats and conservative Republicans, Toomey has already proven he can compete with the best of them. And I suspect, given the commonwealth's distaste for the porkulus bill, all Toomey has to do to win is highlight Specter's role in passing this horrid legislation, while "reaching out" Reagan-style to articulate conservatism to the state's voting population. It's a philosophy that works for everyone, regardless of color, ethnicity, race, creed or any other factor; I thought our 40th president made that clear through word, deed and example, but apparently the RINOs are still refusing to get the memo.

I for one am finding it exhausting to not only have to fight against marxism, liberalism and statism, but also to rail against those who are allegedly on the same side. Glenn Beck is right: progressivism has infected both parties to the point where it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish a Republican from a Democrat. For the most part, all I see are career politicians, with nary a statesman in sight (notables like Pence, Bachmann, Blackburn and Cantor excepted). These traitors care little for their country or the espoused principles upon which they were elected; their most pressing concern is prolonging their "public service" and living off the backs of hard-working American citizens.

But with the advent of the tea parties, the electorate has finally said "enough"! Now is the time to push for term limits, demand accountability from the "go along to get along" congress- critters, and -- in the absence of satisfactory performance -- rally behind true conservative challengers. These Beltway-itis inflicted incumbents must be handed a one-way ticket out of D.C. and back into the private sector, where the rest of us must work hard and live within our means. Come to think of it, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to require everyone who aspires to public office to first work in the private sector for a minimum of five years. And while we're at it, can we get rid of all the lawyers?

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