The switch of political parties by Senator Arlen Specter has been big news the last few weeks. Predictably the dinosaur media is using it to bash conservatives by saying that there is no longer any room for moderates in the Republican Party and that the party is now both marginalized and regionalized. Reading between the lines -it's a racist party of the South. That's the subliminal message of the dinosaurs. Of course, the big switch is also heralded as a great victory for the Messiah, aka President Obama.
Such coverage is truly deceitful, not to mention inaccurate. Senator Specter may be many things, however one thing he is not, is a moderate. He is a liberal and like the dinosaur media, he has been pretty deceitful himself about the whole thing. In support, I cite the Senator's own comments since the election about how the 41 Republican Senators need to be appreciated and valued , because they are all that is standing in the way of the Administration and the Democratic Congress steamrolling through any legislation they desire. Curious how these comments have been forgotten, isn't it?
The facts are quite simply these. Senator Specter is, has been, and always will be a liberal. He has simply used the Republican Party for his own benefit. Further, he owes his political life to conservatives who swept him into office in 1980 in the Reagan landslide. He repaid this debt to President Reagan, by constantly blocking conservative judicial appointments and otherwise bucking his Administration at every turn. Before 1980 Specter had won only one election on merit, when he was elected DA in heavily Democratic Philadelphia in 1967. Such a position is basically non -ideological and in his defense the Senator made a fine District Attorney. From there Specter lost his reelection bid in 1971, lost in the gubernatorial primary in both 1974 and 1978, and lost a US Senate primary to John Heinz in 1976. In sum, the man was 0 for the 1970s. He quite simply owes his Senate seat to Ronald Reagan and Conservatives.
Well he sure has a funny way of paying us back, doesn't he. He shilled for Republican votes for years, and many like myself held their noses and voted for him. I knew something was up this year when Specter started running ads against his would be primary opponent Pat Toomey this past February. It was Toomey who came within a whisker of defeating Specter the last time, despite the incumbent's much publicized support from President Bush and former Senator Rick Santorum. Even so, a five term Senator running ads for a primary 15 months before an election! This is unprecedented in my view.
Specter knew he had absolutely no shot to win this primary that he barely won six years ago by 51 - 49%. He also knew that the major reason he was in trouble, was his support of the Stumulus/Porkulus bill which was the last straw for Republican voters. We all remember him being wined and dined at Obama's Super Bowl party, and the self - promoting "Mr. Independent" knew that we remembered.
It's also obvious why he did it. In exchange for Specter's rubber stamp on legislation, the President will see to it that Specter has no opponent in the Democratic Primary next year. Any Democrat who dares to run will be crushed like a bug on a windshield. What is most appalling to me though was the Senator's comment, that he wouldn't let his thirty year record in the Senate be judged by the primary voters. Can you imagine an American politician boldly stating that the voters mean nothing? The absolute arrogance of the man! I guess he feels like most liberal politicians, that he wears a crown on his head and we must be loyal subjects because he knows what's best for us. Not in America, Arlen. At least not in the America I knew before January 20,2009.
I have no problem with Specter leaving, and say good riddance. What I do have a problem with, is the manner in which he is leaving. A true man of principle would have resigned the seat and announced his intention to run next year as a Democrat. Especially given the current numbers in the Senate with the Democrats being perilously close to 60 votes. No one would have any problem with that, even though Governor Rendell would have appointed a Democrat had Specter properly resigned. In fact, I would have been the first to laud the good Senator for his candor. But that's just not Mr. Specter, who always puts himself before the good of the country.
I now look forward to 2010 and a conservative Republican winning this seat. Specter is a smart politician and he could read the tea leaves, but this move won't save him. It will only delay the inevitable by a few months. In the end, he must and will be judged by the voters whether he likes it or not. I think you'll also find Senator, that what the Good Book says is most accurate, pride often goeth before a fall.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Taranto nails a hypocrite
Major kudos to James Taranto for this item in Best of the Web Today for April 28, 2009:
"Harvard Law professor Mary Ann Glendon, one of the most prominent Catholic conservative intellectuals in the United States, announced yesterday that she would refuse a prestigious award from the University of Notre Dame rather than appear on the same platform on which President Obama is being awarded an honorary degree," the Boston Globe reports.
"Harvard Law professor Mary Ann Glendon, one of the most prominent Catholic conservative intellectuals in the United States, announced yesterday that she would refuse a prestigious award from the University of Notre Dame rather than appear on the same platform on which President Obama is being awarded an honorary degree," the Boston Globe reports.
The Globe notes that not all Catholics are unhappy with Notre Dame's plan to give the president an honorary degree:
"There are some well-meaning people who think Notre Dame has given away its Catholic identity, because they have been caught up in the gamesmanship of American higher education, bringing in a star commencement speaker even if that means sacrificing their values, and that accounts for some of this," said the Rev. Kenneth Himes, chairman of theology department at Boston College. "But one also has to say that there is a political game going on here, and part of that is that you demonize the people who disagree with you, you question their integrity, you challenge their character, and you brand these people as moral poison. Some people have simply reduced Catholicism to the abortion issue, and, consequently, they have simply launched a crusade to bar anything from Catholic institutions that smacks of any sort of open conversation."
Now read this 2006 Associated Press dispatch:
Nearly 100 faculty members at Boston College have signed a letter objecting to the college's decision to award Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice an honorary degree.
The letter entitled "Condoleezza Rice Does Not Deserve a Boston College Honorary Degree," was written by the Rev. Kenneth Himes. . . .
"On the levels of both moral principle and practical moral judgment, Secretary Rice's approach to international affairs is in fundamental conflict with Boston College's commitment to the values of the Catholic and Jesuit traditions and is inconsistent with the humanistic values that inspire the university's work," the letter said.
Himes, it seems, is an expert on demonization.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I answered the Nordlinger challenge
Here is the heart-breaking post (in follow up to this one) that includes a challenge by Jay Nordlinger to come up with an epithet for this brand of hypocrite that parallels the "chickenhawk" sobriquet applied to supporters of war who are not themselves veterans or current servicemen.
Jay lists some feedback, including two from me:
He didn't list "Sid-welchers", which is a bit too topical perhaps, as it draws on Sidwell Friends School, the institution where many of the muckety mucks in Congress send their kids rather than to the DC public schools. I like "NEA-baggers", as it plays on the use of a disgusting term to denigrate tea partiers and, in an act of Ju-jitsu, turns their vulgarity back on them.
Change? I guess it's a change - back to the same old ways of the past. But certainly not a positive change for these kids:
Jay lists some feedback, including two from me:
He didn't list "Sid-welchers", which is a bit too topical perhaps, as it draws on Sidwell Friends School, the institution where many of the muckety mucks in Congress send their kids rather than to the DC public schools. I like "NEA-baggers", as it plays on the use of a disgusting term to denigrate tea partiers and, in an act of Ju-jitsu, turns their vulgarity back on them.
Change? I guess it's a change - back to the same old ways of the past. But certainly not a positive change for these kids:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Southeast Broward Republican Book Club
Last night I was the featured author at the first Southeast Broward Republican Book Club gathering, made possible by Stacy and Eddie Napolitano. I cannot thank them enough for their support and encouragement!
Thank you to all who participated in an interesting discussion about the current state of our culture; it was wonderful to present Water Signs to such a receptive, intelligent crowd, and it is my sincere hope that you will thoroughly enjoy my first novel!
Colonel Allen West on Michael Savage
In this photo: Jade Bunke, Colonel Allen West and Lisa Macci.
Colonel Allen West, candidate for US Congress, Florida District 22, recently discussed Janet Napolitano's disgraceful DHS report and Obama's "Apology Tour" on Michael Savage. I am so proud to be able to volunteer and vote for Allen, a true American patriot and war hero. To listen, click here.
South Florida Tea Party
The Tea Party movement is just getting underway, the success of the April 15 events just a prelude to things to come. Here in South Florida, a new website, South Florida Tea Party has been set up to keep Palm Beach county residents informed of future plans, including a July 4 rally. For those who can't make it to the big one in Washington D.C., it's a great alternative. Everett Wilkinson and his team, who did an excellent job with last week's gathering in West Palm Beach, are looking for volunteers, so if you have the time and the inclination, please sign up at the site. I've agreed to be their South Palm Beach County coordinator and look forward to another successful gathering, rain or shine!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Speak Out Florida
Last Friday I was a guest on Speak Out Florida, hosted by John Sottilare, on WPBR AM, Lake Worth. It was one of the most enjoyable radio shows I've done so far, which is a compliment to John and his team, who made me feel very welcome. We spent an hour discussing the themes of my book as they relate to the current state of our culture, and the importance of bringing some sanity and patriotism back to the entertainment industry. I also plugged my fundraiser with Soldiers' Angels (10% of every sale is donated to that worthy organization).
The archive is not up on the site yet, but I will link to it as soon as I can.
Red State Town Hall BlogTalk Radio, April 18 2009
Last night I co-hosted Premo Mondone's excellent show, where we discussed the Fair Tax, Tea Parties and Smart Girl Politics. To listen to the archive, click here.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Smart Girl Politics Tax Relief Meet and Greet
We had our first social gathering this evening for Smart Girl Politics, a conservative women's movement. As the volunteer coordinator for South Florida, I organized our event at The Blue Martinin in Fort Lauderdale. It was great to make real-life friends out of a few cyber ones, as well as hang with some of my favorite conservatives in Broward County!
Make no mistake, although this premier get-together was mainly social in nature, everyone in attendance was fired up and ready to fight for Congress in 2010. What a pleasure it is to spend time and make plans with smart, savvy conservative females (and their significant others)!
Make no mistake, although this premier get-together was mainly social in nature, everyone in attendance was fired up and ready to fight for Congress in 2010. What a pleasure it is to spend time and make plans with smart, savvy conservative females (and their significant others)!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mourning for a Legend
Philadelphia and the entire baseball world is in deep mourning this week with the passing of a legend, Harry Kalas, on April 13. He was not only a Hall of Fame broadcaster, more importantly Harry was a Hall of Fame human being. For 38 years he was the voice of the Phillies, and every year the welcoming sound of his voice would signal that Spring was finally coming to the Delaware Valley. He was a man without pretense who treated everyone that he met, as if they were a friend.
He brought joy to millions of baseball fans, especially seniors like our late, beloved Aunt Em, shut-ins, and those who were visually impaired and totally dependent on the radio broadcast to enjoy the game. Like all legends he always gave his best no matter whether the Phillies were 20 games out of first place or playing in the World Series. When he was asked once why he gave his all even in meaningless games, Harry replied, "because somebody might be listening who never heard me broadcast before."
Such is the measure of true greatness. For a baseball broadcaster's job unlike that of other sports announcers is that of storyteller. Baseball is a game with a perfect summer rhythm given to breaks in the action, and it is such story telling which adds color and uniqueness to the sport and which contributed to my love of the game. I can still remember the hot summer nights in the 1960s sitting in my grandparent's backyard,listening to the games with my grandfather on his transistor radio. Those were the days of Bill Campbell and By Saam, and " baseball and Ballantine." When I first heard of Harry's passing those happy memories all came flooding back.
Harry came to the Phillies in 1971 from the Houston Astros. For 38 years he was an institution here. The first 27 of those years he teamed up with the late, great Hall of Famer Richie Ashburn, to form in my opinion the best color/play-by-play team in baseball history. In his illustrious career he opened three stadiums, the Astrodome in 1965, Veterans Stadium in 1971, and Citizens Bank Park in 2004. He called many special moments in his career: 6 no hitters, Pete Rose's setting the National League hit record in 1981, Mike Schmidt's 500th home run in 1987, and the 911 Game in 2001. He also was privileged to call 3 World Series, including last year. I am thrilled that it was Harry at the mike to make the call " the Philadelphia Phillies are the 2008 World Champions of Baseball." Especially since Harry and the local broadcast team were prevented from doing the 1980 World Series due to network TV contracts.
In 2002, he was elected to the baseball of Hall of Fame and thousands of Phillies fans made the trek to Cooperstown for his acceptance speech, and what a speech it was. Harry concluded his speech with a poem to the fans of Phildelphia in which he stated how much he loved them. Pure class all the way. His adopted home town of Media threw him a parade, to celebrate the occasion.
Harry's broadcasting talents weren't limited to baseball however. In the 1970s he did Big 5 college basketball and more recently nationally televised college hoops. He also broadcast NFL football on the Westwood One radio network. In addition, he became the voice of NFL Films which was no easy task. Who else could follow the legendary John "the voice of God" Facenda and maintain any credibility. Not very many, besides Harry the K.
Of greater importance was the essence of Harry Kalas the man. Even though he was every much a celebrity as any Phillies player, Harry got it. It was all about the fans, with him. He knew that the fans were the reason for the game. He loved us and we loved him back. There have been thousands of stories these past few days about fans describing chance encounters with Harry and his kindness toward them. One fellow told of how his elderly father died a few weeks before his grandson's Bar Mitzvah. The boy, a big fan of Harry's and the Phillies, was in a funk and his father wanted to lift his spirits before his big day. He wrote to Harry and asked if Harry would call the boy or drop him a note. Harry did him one better. He showed up at the boy's Bar Mitzvah and spent the afternoon with him.
I myself had two chance encounters with Harry the K, and I am much the better for it. The last of these occurred in 2007 at Phillies Camera Day in which fans are allowed onto the field before the game to take pictures with the players. It was a hot July afternoon and very crowded. Harry and the broadcast team were also on the field. I spotted Harry, who was smiling as usual, and asked if would take a picture with my son Mark, then 8 years old. Harry replied warmly "sure" and he gestured Mark to come over to him. He then placed his hands on Mark's shoulders and smiled and waited patiently while I fiddled with the camera to catch the perfect pose. It was a smile borne of the milk of human kindness, and not one of those fake, celebrity "I can't wait to get the hell out of here" smiles. As Mark continued to take pictures with the players, I marveled at how Harry repeated the same sequence over and over, smiling and posing with fan after fan and enjoying every minute of it.
His unmistakable pipes and signature calls will live forever. Some fans are so enamored of "the voice" that they have recordings of Harry on their telephone answering machines. They generally go something like this : Hello, Peggy and John are not home right now. They went for a long driiive! They're Outta Here! What a lasting tribute to the man. Just like the makeshift memorials at Citizens Bank Park ,where the piles of flowers and mementos placed there since Harry's death looks like a tidal wave.
Unfortunately, the dulcet tones are now quiet. One by one our Philadelphia broadcasting legends are leaving us. The incomparable Dave Zinkoff, the aforementioned Richie Asburn in 1997, and the legendary Gene Hart in 1999. The games go on, but sadly these giants will never be replaced. They represent a past when heroes were larger than life, and make no mistake about it these men were heroes to millions of young fans like myself. Sadly, in many ways those days are gone forever.
Goodbye friend Harry. I for one will never forget the "outta here's" and "long driiives", and spontaneous renditions of "High Hopes". You were a joy to hang out with and talk Phillies baseball. At least now you're in a place where they play doubleheaders every day and the sun is always shining. I know you'll be calling the games up there Harry, and when you get a chance, please say hi to Whitey and Em for me.
He brought joy to millions of baseball fans, especially seniors like our late, beloved Aunt Em, shut-ins, and those who were visually impaired and totally dependent on the radio broadcast to enjoy the game. Like all legends he always gave his best no matter whether the Phillies were 20 games out of first place or playing in the World Series. When he was asked once why he gave his all even in meaningless games, Harry replied, "because somebody might be listening who never heard me broadcast before."
Such is the measure of true greatness. For a baseball broadcaster's job unlike that of other sports announcers is that of storyteller. Baseball is a game with a perfect summer rhythm given to breaks in the action, and it is such story telling which adds color and uniqueness to the sport and which contributed to my love of the game. I can still remember the hot summer nights in the 1960s sitting in my grandparent's backyard,listening to the games with my grandfather on his transistor radio. Those were the days of Bill Campbell and By Saam, and " baseball and Ballantine." When I first heard of Harry's passing those happy memories all came flooding back.
Harry came to the Phillies in 1971 from the Houston Astros. For 38 years he was an institution here. The first 27 of those years he teamed up with the late, great Hall of Famer Richie Ashburn, to form in my opinion the best color/play-by-play team in baseball history. In his illustrious career he opened three stadiums, the Astrodome in 1965, Veterans Stadium in 1971, and Citizens Bank Park in 2004. He called many special moments in his career: 6 no hitters, Pete Rose's setting the National League hit record in 1981, Mike Schmidt's 500th home run in 1987, and the 911 Game in 2001. He also was privileged to call 3 World Series, including last year. I am thrilled that it was Harry at the mike to make the call " the Philadelphia Phillies are the 2008 World Champions of Baseball." Especially since Harry and the local broadcast team were prevented from doing the 1980 World Series due to network TV contracts.
In 2002, he was elected to the baseball of Hall of Fame and thousands of Phillies fans made the trek to Cooperstown for his acceptance speech, and what a speech it was. Harry concluded his speech with a poem to the fans of Phildelphia in which he stated how much he loved them. Pure class all the way. His adopted home town of Media threw him a parade, to celebrate the occasion.
Harry's broadcasting talents weren't limited to baseball however. In the 1970s he did Big 5 college basketball and more recently nationally televised college hoops. He also broadcast NFL football on the Westwood One radio network. In addition, he became the voice of NFL Films which was no easy task. Who else could follow the legendary John "the voice of God" Facenda and maintain any credibility. Not very many, besides Harry the K.
Of greater importance was the essence of Harry Kalas the man. Even though he was every much a celebrity as any Phillies player, Harry got it. It was all about the fans, with him. He knew that the fans were the reason for the game. He loved us and we loved him back. There have been thousands of stories these past few days about fans describing chance encounters with Harry and his kindness toward them. One fellow told of how his elderly father died a few weeks before his grandson's Bar Mitzvah. The boy, a big fan of Harry's and the Phillies, was in a funk and his father wanted to lift his spirits before his big day. He wrote to Harry and asked if Harry would call the boy or drop him a note. Harry did him one better. He showed up at the boy's Bar Mitzvah and spent the afternoon with him.
I myself had two chance encounters with Harry the K, and I am much the better for it. The last of these occurred in 2007 at Phillies Camera Day in which fans are allowed onto the field before the game to take pictures with the players. It was a hot July afternoon and very crowded. Harry and the broadcast team were also on the field. I spotted Harry, who was smiling as usual, and asked if would take a picture with my son Mark, then 8 years old. Harry replied warmly "sure" and he gestured Mark to come over to him. He then placed his hands on Mark's shoulders and smiled and waited patiently while I fiddled with the camera to catch the perfect pose. It was a smile borne of the milk of human kindness, and not one of those fake, celebrity "I can't wait to get the hell out of here" smiles. As Mark continued to take pictures with the players, I marveled at how Harry repeated the same sequence over and over, smiling and posing with fan after fan and enjoying every minute of it.
His unmistakable pipes and signature calls will live forever. Some fans are so enamored of "the voice" that they have recordings of Harry on their telephone answering machines. They generally go something like this : Hello, Peggy and John are not home right now. They went for a long driiive! They're Outta Here! What a lasting tribute to the man. Just like the makeshift memorials at Citizens Bank Park ,where the piles of flowers and mementos placed there since Harry's death looks like a tidal wave.
Unfortunately, the dulcet tones are now quiet. One by one our Philadelphia broadcasting legends are leaving us. The incomparable Dave Zinkoff, the aforementioned Richie Asburn in 1997, and the legendary Gene Hart in 1999. The games go on, but sadly these giants will never be replaced. They represent a past when heroes were larger than life, and make no mistake about it these men were heroes to millions of young fans like myself. Sadly, in many ways those days are gone forever.
Goodbye friend Harry. I for one will never forget the "outta here's" and "long driiives", and spontaneous renditions of "High Hopes". You were a joy to hang out with and talk Phillies baseball. At least now you're in a place where they play doubleheaders every day and the sun is always shining. I know you'll be calling the games up there Harry, and when you get a chance, please say hi to Whitey and Em for me.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Talking Tea Parties at the Temple
I am back on Stephen Rhodes' Republican Temple this evening at 9 p.m. Eastern to discuss yesterday's Tea Parties and my Soldiers' Angels book fundraiser.
Also, tomorrow at 11 a.m., I will be a guest on Speak Out Florida with host John Sottilare, on WBPR A.M. in Lake Worth, Florida. Hope you can tune in!
Also, tomorrow at 11 a.m., I will be a guest on Speak Out Florida with host John Sottilare, on WBPR A.M. in Lake Worth, Florida. Hope you can tune in!
Smart Girl Nation
Smart Girl Politics just launched their new e-zine, Smart Girl Nation, featuring some of the best female conservative writers in the blogosphere. I am honored to be in such great company, and thankful to SGP for featuring my Identity Politics article today!
And if you live in South Florida, I hope you'll join us on Saturday evening at the Tax Relief Meet and Greet in Fort Lauderdale!
And if you live in South Florida, I hope you'll join us on Saturday evening at the Tax Relief Meet and Greet in Fort Lauderdale!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
West Palm Beach Tea Party!
We had a great Tea Party in West Palm Beach, complete with a Debtor's Prison and a Pirate Ship! I am very bad at estimating crowd size, but it seems to me The Palm Beach Post's 1,000 figure is a bit low. I don't have official numbers, but my guess is that we hit close to 2,000-2,500. And in the biggest surprise of the day, Fort Lauderdale turned out close to 5,000, according to some friends in attendance (although the Sun-Sentinel headline merely commits to "more than 2,500")!
Franklin, Tennessee Tea Party (II)
Franklin, Tennessee Tea Party
By my estimation, there were about 2,000 citizens in the town square in Franklin from 6-7 pm central tonight. Speakers included Michael Del Giorno and Steve Gill; the crowd was in a good mood. The first set of photos are of the signs we made:




The last is my little contribution (with an assist from Angela). I know that MSM hasn't played it up as they would had Bush said it, but Obama searched in vain for the "Austrian" way to say "wheeling and dealing", which gave me the idea for the sign.
The last is my little contribution (with an assist from Angela). I know that MSM hasn't played it up as they would had Bush said it, but Obama searched in vain for the "Austrian" way to say "wheeling and dealing", which gave me the idea for the sign.
Colonel Allen West responds to the DHS "Right Wing Extremism" Report
I just now received this email response from Colonel Allen West, candidate for Congress in FL District 22, to the disgraceful DHS hit-job on patriotic Americans who oppose The Mistaken Won's Marxist policies:
14 April 2009
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired)
Greetings fellow South Florida riders, South Floridians, and Americans, here we are for another monthly installment of our Wheels on the Road political assessment. Just have to tell you, I am freaking mad as hell and implore you all to not take this anymore. If this means I shall be castigated as a “right wing extremist” so be it.
Today I received an email containing a story on the US Department of Homeland Security unclassified report, dated 7 April, titled, “Right-wing extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment”.
Now most of the mainstream media is reporting about a stupid new dog in the White House, Portuguese water dog, who cares.
I have just finished reading Secretary Napolitano’s office declaring that, “the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks”.
As well, this report cites, “returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists, who will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities”.
Align these statements with Barack Hussein Obama’s intentions to have wounded war veterans use private health insurance and you see the contempt this administration holds for those who protect and defend this Republic. We have an administration which declares we cannot call radical Islamic terrorists “enemy combatants”. We can no longer speak of a war on terror, only overseas contingency operations. However, this administration issues a report demonizing our heroic vets as potential terrorists and extremists!
Perhaps those Navy SEAL snipers should be made aware that they are considered potential terrorists because of the skills they exhibited to save an American citizen. Oh by the way, a citizen held hostage by Muslim pirates, can you say Barbary? Jefferson sent the US Marines, what shall dear fearful leader Obama do?
Back to the report which contains countless references singling out returning war veterans as particular threats.
Not only that, this report admonishes law enforcement to watch out for individuals with “radical” ideologies based on Christian views such as opposing illegal immigration, abortion, and federal taxes. Indeed, this report decries anyone who is concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion, and the loss of US sovereignty. In other words this means anyone holding conservative principles in opposition to left wing liberal socialist policies is a threat.
I am happy to be in that category. I am an American and shall not cower from this insidious accusation, shall you?
“The high volume of volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by right-wing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement”, this means you, law abiding citizens of America. In the 1930s Adolf Hitler outlawed private gun ownership, and the rest is history.
Shall we live under this type of overt tyranny and become nothing more than economic slaves and subjects? I am angry about the attacks on Americans who work hard and succeed, why not empower us, not create a dependent entitlement class?
This report uses race baiting by suggesting that the election of an African-American president “is proving to be a driving force for right-wing extremist recruitment and radicalization”. No, his asinine socialist economic policies, apologetic and appeasing words about our America, and his cowering to the Islamic world are the cause for our concern.
The fact that in less than 80 days we have seen countless “Czars” being created, $500 billion in government spending, North Korea missile launch, pirate attacks against US shipping, and amateurish actions of our president ranging from inept cabinet selections to abject incompetence (his inability to speak more than 3 minutes without a teleprompter) are the reasons for our angst.
I am also angry at my fellow members of the Republican Party, supposed leadership, who have not exhibited the courage and conviction to stand against this administration. It is appalling to me that the most prevalent voices are those of talk radio hosts. Who are the leaders in the Republican Party?
To them I simply say, “Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way”. If I must stand alone, so be it, but these crazed liberals shall not suppress our Freedom and Liberty.
Tomorrow is tax day, and there are many “Tea Parties” planned across America. I implore all of you to stand up tomorrow and send a clear message.
Our own government has declared us the enemy; never in my life did I believe this could happen in my Country. How did we get to this point?
There is no doubt that we are now fighting against a fascist regime that seeks to silence our voice. What shall the history books say of us? What shall we leave to our children and grandchildren as a legacy of this Republic? Now is the time to fight back and I encourage all of you to do so, do not be afraid, our forefathers were not.
America is heading towards a tumultuous 2009 and there shall indeed be a Constitutional crisis. I do not care about any “historic moment”. So far this Obama administration has insulted us overseas, called us a “nation of cowards” here at home, and now has declared open war against those who stand in opposition.
We have true enemies who seek to destroy our Country; drug cartels, illegal immigrants, radical Islamic ideologues, Muslim terrorists at sea, and rogue Nations such as North Korea. It seems we can now add our own federal government to that list.
America, it stops here, join me and do not run away intimidated by Obama, Holder, Napolitano, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Soros,, and ACORN.
Steadfast and Loyal,
LTC(R) A B West
Monday, April 13, 2009
Let's get loud, Palm Beach County! Info on Broward County's protest here.
Not sure where there's one in your area? Go to this site for information on events taking place all over the country. And remember, beware of ACORN mischief and media sabotage. They are looking for any excuse to discredit the movement, so conduct yourself accordingly.
Harry Kalas, RIP
I remember my first memories of baseball being me, as a toddler, getting mad when my dad would tune in to the games on the black and white TV in the family room. I wasn't mad at him; I was mad that it meant there would be no cartoons. It seemed to me that the only thing that ever happened was that there was a long shot of the field from behind home plate, some guys talking, and that little seemed to happen - but every so often my dad would get pretty exercised when things didn't go the Phillies' way.
By the time I was 6, I started paying more attention to what it was that he and my big brother were watching, and even though I understood little, I slowly got into it. But it wasn't the Sunday afternoon broadcasts that really drew me in. What hooked me was the sound of the games on the radio, in particular when I would join my dad in his study and he had the "hi-fi" on. It was probably 1970 when I first listened, and I loved to sit in the black leather recliner in the study as he sat at his desk, writing bills, reading surgical journals, or talking on the phone. Behind him were shelves where the stereo sat, and delivered a crystal clear signal of a baseball game that might be 25 - or 3,000 - miles away. The soothing voice of Harry Kalas would draw me in, and I would sit there listening, drinking in the ambient background noise, wishing I could have been there, and filling in the mental images evoked by his words.
I remember falling asleep many times on that recliner, and begging to be allowed to listen to at least the first inning of a west coast game. Many times my dad carried me up to my bedroom; the first thing I would ask on waking was what the final score was. The first game I ever saw was at Connie Mack Stadium in 1970, a year before Harry became the Phillies announcer. I recall that there was a certain aura about Bill Campbell and Byron Saam, the announcing team at the time. I also remember that there wasn't an all-out embrace of Harry when he first arrived (surprising, I know, that Philly wasn't all warm and fuzzy). I loved him. It was his deep voice that cut through the background stadium sounds on those nights in my dad's study. It was his crescendo delivery that let you know that something special was unfolding. It was his chemistry with Richie Ashburn that made it all so much fun - and made me a fan forever.
One of his signature lines that my brother and I loved was Harry prepending the word "that" to a person's name. For example, if he thought the answer to a trivia question was Dizzy Dean, he would proffer the answer "How about that Dizzy Dean"? I might not have understood why he threw "that" in there, and my brother and I would get a chuckle using it ourselves when we could - but it was definitely a Kalas calling card. One of the things that I remember being struck by was video of Harry doing a call. In my mind, he was like the announcer in a Bugs Bunny cartoon, climbing onto the table as he went crazy watching a Bull Blast or a Schmitty homer clear the fence. Instead, he sat there, very still from the shoulders down, his voice doing all the work of conveying emotion - the baseball announcing equivalent of Debbie Harry of Blondie singing with her emotionless affect. His banter with Whitey Ashburn made many a losing game bearable. His partaking in the champagne-soaked celebrations at the end of the 1976, 1977, 1978, and most memorably, the 1980 seasons, live on in happy memory. I was out of Philadelphia by 1993, so I don't remember the post-game celebration then, but I am sure with Harry and Whitey there, it was special.
Philly fans have been spoiled in their announcers. Harry Kalas was a rock for 38 seasons, 27 of those with Ashburn. Gene Hart was the voice and the living encyclopedia of the Flyers for 29 seasons. Merrill Reese has been the voice of the Eagles for over 30 years. The first two are in the Hall of Fame in their sports, and Merrill Reese is deserving in his. We lost a great deal of Flyers history (although thankfully he wrote "Score" before passing away, preserving some great history in the process), when Gene died in 1999. Harry was the voice of the Phillies from the opening season at Veterans Stadium through their first World Series title in 1980, the opening of Citizens Bank Park, and their second championship last season. It isn't, and probably won't ever be, possible for me to watch a Phillies' game without Harry's voice running through my head, describing the action. In fact, when I did watch a Phillies' game on TV and Harry wasn't calling it, I often thought "I wonder what Harry is saying" about some exciting play on the radio. That he wasn't allowed to broadcast the 1980 World Series was a blotch on baseball and its obsequiousness to the broadcast contract of the day (since rectified) - but knowing that he was in the clubhouse for the celebration, and that he went out with the Phils as reigning champs, makes today's news easier to take.
Baseball has had some great announcers, and it is difficult to say who was "best". But if you ask me who my favorite baseball broadcaster of all time is, forgive me if I answer "How about that Harry Kalas!"
By the time I was 6, I started paying more attention to what it was that he and my big brother were watching, and even though I understood little, I slowly got into it. But it wasn't the Sunday afternoon broadcasts that really drew me in. What hooked me was the sound of the games on the radio, in particular when I would join my dad in his study and he had the "hi-fi" on. It was probably 1970 when I first listened, and I loved to sit in the black leather recliner in the study as he sat at his desk, writing bills, reading surgical journals, or talking on the phone. Behind him were shelves where the stereo sat, and delivered a crystal clear signal of a baseball game that might be 25 - or 3,000 - miles away. The soothing voice of Harry Kalas would draw me in, and I would sit there listening, drinking in the ambient background noise, wishing I could have been there, and filling in the mental images evoked by his words.
I remember falling asleep many times on that recliner, and begging to be allowed to listen to at least the first inning of a west coast game. Many times my dad carried me up to my bedroom; the first thing I would ask on waking was what the final score was. The first game I ever saw was at Connie Mack Stadium in 1970, a year before Harry became the Phillies announcer. I recall that there was a certain aura about Bill Campbell and Byron Saam, the announcing team at the time. I also remember that there wasn't an all-out embrace of Harry when he first arrived (surprising, I know, that Philly wasn't all warm and fuzzy). I loved him. It was his deep voice that cut through the background stadium sounds on those nights in my dad's study. It was his crescendo delivery that let you know that something special was unfolding. It was his chemistry with Richie Ashburn that made it all so much fun - and made me a fan forever.
One of his signature lines that my brother and I loved was Harry prepending the word "that" to a person's name. For example, if he thought the answer to a trivia question was Dizzy Dean, he would proffer the answer "How about that Dizzy Dean"? I might not have understood why he threw "that" in there, and my brother and I would get a chuckle using it ourselves when we could - but it was definitely a Kalas calling card. One of the things that I remember being struck by was video of Harry doing a call. In my mind, he was like the announcer in a Bugs Bunny cartoon, climbing onto the table as he went crazy watching a Bull Blast or a Schmitty homer clear the fence. Instead, he sat there, very still from the shoulders down, his voice doing all the work of conveying emotion - the baseball announcing equivalent of Debbie Harry of Blondie singing with her emotionless affect. His banter with Whitey Ashburn made many a losing game bearable. His partaking in the champagne-soaked celebrations at the end of the 1976, 1977, 1978, and most memorably, the 1980 seasons, live on in happy memory. I was out of Philadelphia by 1993, so I don't remember the post-game celebration then, but I am sure with Harry and Whitey there, it was special.
Philly fans have been spoiled in their announcers. Harry Kalas was a rock for 38 seasons, 27 of those with Ashburn. Gene Hart was the voice and the living encyclopedia of the Flyers for 29 seasons. Merrill Reese has been the voice of the Eagles for over 30 years. The first two are in the Hall of Fame in their sports, and Merrill Reese is deserving in his. We lost a great deal of Flyers history (although thankfully he wrote "Score" before passing away, preserving some great history in the process), when Gene died in 1999. Harry was the voice of the Phillies from the opening season at Veterans Stadium through their first World Series title in 1980, the opening of Citizens Bank Park, and their second championship last season. It isn't, and probably won't ever be, possible for me to watch a Phillies' game without Harry's voice running through my head, describing the action. In fact, when I did watch a Phillies' game on TV and Harry wasn't calling it, I often thought "I wonder what Harry is saying" about some exciting play on the radio. That he wasn't allowed to broadcast the 1980 World Series was a blotch on baseball and its obsequiousness to the broadcast contract of the day (since rectified) - but knowing that he was in the clubhouse for the celebration, and that he went out with the Phils as reigning champs, makes today's news easier to take.
Baseball has had some great announcers, and it is difficult to say who was "best". But if you ask me who my favorite baseball broadcaster of all time is, forgive me if I answer "How about that Harry Kalas!"
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Working on some ideas for Tax Day Tea Party signs
This one might be a bit esoteric, playing as it does on Friedrich Hayek's ancestry, masterwork, and The Mistaken Won's screw-up about how you say "wheeling and dealing" in Austrian, but here goes:
If you have any ideas, pleas post them in the comments.
PS: I was thinking of getting some X-ray film, trimming the corners so that it would be rounded, and holding it up on a pole to simulate a teleprompter. Or maybe doing two of those and suspending the banner between them.
Austrian for Obamanomics?
The Road to Serfdom
The Road to Serfdom
If you have any ideas, pleas post them in the comments.
PS: I was thinking of getting some X-ray film, trimming the corners so that it would be rounded, and holding it up on a pole to simulate a teleprompter. Or maybe doing two of those and suspending the banner between them.
Truthers and other Strangers
Conservatives and their next-of-kin, libertarians -- much like some actual families -- have tended to co-exist in a sort of marriage of convenience. An oftentimes uneasy alliance, whereby shared outlook on limited government, taxes and economic issues form the common denominator, while hot-button topics such as abortion and marijuana are best left unexplored, if the family wants to enjoy a peaceful gathering around the dinner table.
Since January 20, this union has blossomed and strengthened, as stimulus-outraged Americans from cities and small towns all across this great country have organized to protest the horrors of government overreach. And for the most part, we've put our differences aside, understanding that the greatest threat to our national security disturbingly resides in the Oval Office and in the halls of Congress -- thus demanding concentrated focus on the problems that unite rather than divide. All well and good when it comes to preserving the Constitution of the United States of America, and the vision put forth by our Founding Fathers.
However, as a staunch conservative with a streak of libertarian (mainly in the arena of economics), I've long grown weary of conspiracy theorists; 9/11 and FEMA "Truthers"; and Ron Paulnuts. These tea party crashers, emboldened by the laundry-list of valid greivances against President Teleprompter, have been bombarding us lately with their asinine rantings, preaching the gospel of the ultimate nutjob, talk radio host Alex Jones.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Alex, Michelle Malkin's post from May of 2007 will shed some light on why this man -- along with his congressional ally Ron Paul -- is not to be trusted as a reliable source on anything. Jones also assaulted and harassed Malkin at the DNC last year, an incident caught on video for the entire world to see.
My problems with the Truther gang started on Facebook, when I posted a beautiful video tribute to President George W. Bush, set to Martina McBride's inspirational song, Anyway (I'd originally posted it on Palin Drone back in January). Yes, as a "three-legged stool," Reagan conservative, I have my grievances against President Bush ("compassionate conservatism," amnesty, signing McCain-Feingold into law, even though it was unconstitutional, etc).
But I am the kind of person who gives credit where it's due. And the fact of the matter is, the man kept us safe for 7 1/2 years; genuinely loved the United States Military; and bravely acted in this country's best interests, in spite of a relentless onslaught of the most vituperative attacks aimed at any president. I'll say one more thing for George H.W. and Barbara's son: he's sure made of tough stuff -- physically, mentally and emotionally!
Well, the video didn't sit too well with certain members of my "friends" list, who promptly went into full assault not only on W, but on me as the poster of the video (suffice it to say, these folks are no longer my "friends"). Worse, their poison seems to be having an effect on others whom I've known to be conservative. One such person, mimicking a flaming liberal, actually reflected upon President Bush's reaction when then Chief of Staff Andy Card whispered in his ear that the WTC was under attack.
"Keep in mind, President Bush had been reading to very young school children at the time, and I am sure he didn't want to scare them," I told her. "Can you even imagine being in his position? What exactly did you expect him to do?"
She didn't type back a real answer, just a vague, "Yeah, but I still wonder...."
This incident followed my attendance a few weeks' prior at the Orlando Tea Party, where close to 6,000 gathered to fight for freedom and uphold American values. As we walked the few blocks from the parking lot to Lake Eola Amphitheater, we passed by a group of Truthers handing out DVDs of The Obama Deception, a film produced by Alex Jones. I rejected the offer as soon as I realized its source, but one of my friends joining me for the event stated that she'd watched it. Although conservative like me, she believed there was probably some element of truth embedded in nearly two hours of lunacy.
Understanding the genesis of the film, but wanting to a) keep an open mind and b) "know my enemy," I finally relented. Prognosis: Alex Jones is delusional.
Look, there is nothing I like about Obama or his Marxist plans for this country. I get that he's a total fraud, a Soros puppet, an ACORN community-organizing thug, and a master of deception. These are all things any voter could've discovered, had he or she spent any time reading reliable blogs, listening to talk radio or watching FOX News. Likewise, they are all realities about Obama revealed in the DVD.
However, don't let the name fool you: this movie is as much about trashing President Bush as it is about exposing Obama's agenda. Without getting into too much more detail, it upholds the theory of 9/11 as an inside job, while curiously omitting one very glaring reality -- Global Jihad. Nowhere in this film do we see militant Muslims shouting "Death to Israel and America!" or images of Osama bin Laden regaling us with his special brand of venom from the cave. I don't know if the name Dr. Zudhi Jasser rings a bell with any of these folks, but it's obvious they didn't consult with him on this ridiculous effort; I'm also fairly certain they missed Jasser's film The Third Jihad.
Which brings me to this past Saturday. Standing at the corner of US 1 and Oakland Park Blvd with other patriots like my friends Jack, Derrick and Dan, a seemingly amiable (if pudgy) fellow approached us to inquire about our activity. At first he was as receptive to our cause as we were to him -- that is, until he began spouting Alex Jones talking points.
Now even though I'm a passionate girl when it comes to my country, I've learned it's best not to engage when one finds oneself in situations such as these. However, having lost a 22 year-old cousin in the Towers and knowing the unspeakable grief that has plagued his parents ever since, my patience for this crap had just about worn thin. I screamed at the red-headed dirtbag, demanding to know if the phrase "Global Jihad" meant anything at all to him; further, I excoriated him about his insensitivity to surviving family members like my cousins, and people like Debra Burlingame, whose brother Chick had piloted the plane that crashed into the Pentagon.
But as I quickly discovered, fighting insanity with sanity is a losing propostion. This guy even had the audacity to tell me that I had no right to speak out, since I'd never been in the military and thus, knew nothing of warfare. Before walking away in disgust, I of course had to set him straight about the Constitution he claimed to love so dearly, which recognized my right to say anything I damn well please! (Well ok, except "Fire!" in a crowded, perfectly safe theater, but I'm cool with that ;).
On the bright side, an impressed Dan remarked that I was "sparky" and "feisty," so I got that going for me!
In all seriousness folks, please don't fall for this garbage. In addition to ACORN nuts, we also have to contend with conspiracy nuts who are as impervious to facts and debunking as Rosie O'Donnell is to proper nutrition and exercise. And now that the Tea Party movement is gaining remarkable traction as a genuine grass-roots phenomenon, Truthers are coming out of the woodwork. Yes, we agree on fiscal issues and the concept of limited government, but from what I've discovered, that's where it ends. I also believe there's very real potential for them to discredit the entire Tea Party effort, as Huffington Post and other leftie organizations actively seek any method of sabotage.
So while you're railing against indebting our children to China, remember to keep one eye out for ACORNs and the other for assorted nuts of the conspiracy theory variety.
Since January 20, this union has blossomed and strengthened, as stimulus-outraged Americans from cities and small towns all across this great country have organized to protest the horrors of government overreach. And for the most part, we've put our differences aside, understanding that the greatest threat to our national security disturbingly resides in the Oval Office and in the halls of Congress -- thus demanding concentrated focus on the problems that unite rather than divide. All well and good when it comes to preserving the Constitution of the United States of America, and the vision put forth by our Founding Fathers.
However, as a staunch conservative with a streak of libertarian (mainly in the arena of economics), I've long grown weary of conspiracy theorists; 9/11 and FEMA "Truthers"; and Ron Paulnuts. These tea party crashers, emboldened by the laundry-list of valid greivances against President Teleprompter, have been bombarding us lately with their asinine rantings, preaching the gospel of the ultimate nutjob, talk radio host Alex Jones.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Alex, Michelle Malkin's post from May of 2007 will shed some light on why this man -- along with his congressional ally Ron Paul -- is not to be trusted as a reliable source on anything. Jones also assaulted and harassed Malkin at the DNC last year, an incident caught on video for the entire world to see.
My problems with the Truther gang started on Facebook, when I posted a beautiful video tribute to President George W. Bush, set to Martina McBride's inspirational song, Anyway (I'd originally posted it on Palin Drone back in January). Yes, as a "three-legged stool," Reagan conservative, I have my grievances against President Bush ("compassionate conservatism," amnesty, signing McCain-Feingold into law, even though it was unconstitutional, etc).
But I am the kind of person who gives credit where it's due. And the fact of the matter is, the man kept us safe for 7 1/2 years; genuinely loved the United States Military; and bravely acted in this country's best interests, in spite of a relentless onslaught of the most vituperative attacks aimed at any president. I'll say one more thing for George H.W. and Barbara's son: he's sure made of tough stuff -- physically, mentally and emotionally!
Well, the video didn't sit too well with certain members of my "friends" list, who promptly went into full assault not only on W, but on me as the poster of the video (suffice it to say, these folks are no longer my "friends"). Worse, their poison seems to be having an effect on others whom I've known to be conservative. One such person, mimicking a flaming liberal, actually reflected upon President Bush's reaction when then Chief of Staff Andy Card whispered in his ear that the WTC was under attack.
"Keep in mind, President Bush had been reading to very young school children at the time, and I am sure he didn't want to scare them," I told her. "Can you even imagine being in his position? What exactly did you expect him to do?"
She didn't type back a real answer, just a vague, "Yeah, but I still wonder...."
This incident followed my attendance a few weeks' prior at the Orlando Tea Party, where close to 6,000 gathered to fight for freedom and uphold American values. As we walked the few blocks from the parking lot to Lake Eola Amphitheater, we passed by a group of Truthers handing out DVDs of The Obama Deception, a film produced by Alex Jones. I rejected the offer as soon as I realized its source, but one of my friends joining me for the event stated that she'd watched it. Although conservative like me, she believed there was probably some element of truth embedded in nearly two hours of lunacy.
Understanding the genesis of the film, but wanting to a) keep an open mind and b) "know my enemy," I finally relented. Prognosis: Alex Jones is delusional.
Look, there is nothing I like about Obama or his Marxist plans for this country. I get that he's a total fraud, a Soros puppet, an ACORN community-organizing thug, and a master of deception. These are all things any voter could've discovered, had he or she spent any time reading reliable blogs, listening to talk radio or watching FOX News. Likewise, they are all realities about Obama revealed in the DVD.
However, don't let the name fool you: this movie is as much about trashing President Bush as it is about exposing Obama's agenda. Without getting into too much more detail, it upholds the theory of 9/11 as an inside job, while curiously omitting one very glaring reality -- Global Jihad. Nowhere in this film do we see militant Muslims shouting "Death to Israel and America!" or images of Osama bin Laden regaling us with his special brand of venom from the cave. I don't know if the name Dr. Zudhi Jasser rings a bell with any of these folks, but it's obvious they didn't consult with him on this ridiculous effort; I'm also fairly certain they missed Jasser's film The Third Jihad.
Which brings me to this past Saturday. Standing at the corner of US 1 and Oakland Park Blvd with other patriots like my friends Jack, Derrick and Dan, a seemingly amiable (if pudgy) fellow approached us to inquire about our activity. At first he was as receptive to our cause as we were to him -- that is, until he began spouting Alex Jones talking points.
Now even though I'm a passionate girl when it comes to my country, I've learned it's best not to engage when one finds oneself in situations such as these. However, having lost a 22 year-old cousin in the Towers and knowing the unspeakable grief that has plagued his parents ever since, my patience for this crap had just about worn thin. I screamed at the red-headed dirtbag, demanding to know if the phrase "Global Jihad" meant anything at all to him; further, I excoriated him about his insensitivity to surviving family members like my cousins, and people like Debra Burlingame, whose brother Chick had piloted the plane that crashed into the Pentagon.
But as I quickly discovered, fighting insanity with sanity is a losing propostion. This guy even had the audacity to tell me that I had no right to speak out, since I'd never been in the military and thus, knew nothing of warfare. Before walking away in disgust, I of course had to set him straight about the Constitution he claimed to love so dearly, which recognized my right to say anything I damn well please! (Well ok, except "Fire!" in a crowded, perfectly safe theater, but I'm cool with that ;).
On the bright side, an impressed Dan remarked that I was "sparky" and "feisty," so I got that going for me!
In all seriousness folks, please don't fall for this garbage. In addition to ACORN nuts, we also have to contend with conspiracy nuts who are as impervious to facts and debunking as Rosie O'Donnell is to proper nutrition and exercise. And now that the Tea Party movement is gaining remarkable traction as a genuine grass-roots phenomenon, Truthers are coming out of the woodwork. Yes, we agree on fiscal issues and the concept of limited government, but from what I've discovered, that's where it ends. I also believe there's very real potential for them to discredit the entire Tea Party effort, as Huffington Post and other leftie organizations actively seek any method of sabotage.
So while you're railing against indebting our children to China, remember to keep one eye out for ACORNs and the other for assorted nuts of the conspiracy theory variety.
Happy Easter!
To all of our Palin Drone readers who celebrate the resurrection of Christ, a very Blessed and Happy Easter! And to those who celebrate Passover, I hope you had a joyous Holiday!
Getting ready to head out to Noon Mass, but wanted to mention a very special event I participated in yesterday -- a "Welcome Home" party for returning US Marine Julian Kilcullen, at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport. I will post more about it later!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Obama Should Apologize
Admitting that one is wrong and asking for forgiveness is always a good thing,particularly during this Holy Season of Easter and Passover. I raise this point because there was much hullabaloo regarding presidential apologies during the President's recent rock star tour of Europe. The only problem was the President apologized to the wrong people. As is always the case with Obama it seems, it was another example of right church wrong pew.
Quite frankly the President's apologizing to the world for the success of America was an absolute disgrace, and doing it on foreign soil no less! For what reason do we owe the Europeans an apology? Perhaps for saving them from themselves many times over the last several decades. I guess the President forgets about the D-day invasion on June 6, 1944 when thousands of American GIs lost their lives liberating Europe from Hitler's National Socialism. That invasion led to the USA and its allies freeing the European continent. And what did America ask for as conquering hero? Just enough land to bury our war dead. It was the first time in history that a victor did not take the land of the vanquished in war.
The European response to this noble act of America was at times quite surprising indeed. General DeGaulle demanded of the American Secretary of State right after the war that American soldiers immediately leave France. To which the noble Secretary most appropriately replied " does that include the ones in your cemeteries"?
The fact is Obama's teleprompter should order him right now to apologize to America and Americans. It should also teach him another history lesson. The Cold War broke out right after WWII and Europe was again threatened, this time by the former Soviet Union. Enter the US once again, this time with the Marshall Plan that poured millions and millions of American dollars into rebuilding the economies of Western Europe. Let's also not forget the military defense shield we have provided Europe for the last 60 years, while they lift not a finger to defend themselves and at the same time incessantly whine about America's fighting the war on terror. This long term defense of Europe has been carried squarely on the backs of the American taxpayer.
Yes, Mr. President you should apologize and ask for forgiveness. You owe an apology to all of us and to our country. But sadly I know you won't. As the late Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick said in her convention speech in 1984 about you and your friends on the Left, "they always blame America first." Shame on you Sir, you should know better.
Quite frankly the President's apologizing to the world for the success of America was an absolute disgrace, and doing it on foreign soil no less! For what reason do we owe the Europeans an apology? Perhaps for saving them from themselves many times over the last several decades. I guess the President forgets about the D-day invasion on June 6, 1944 when thousands of American GIs lost their lives liberating Europe from Hitler's National Socialism. That invasion led to the USA and its allies freeing the European continent. And what did America ask for as conquering hero? Just enough land to bury our war dead. It was the first time in history that a victor did not take the land of the vanquished in war.
The European response to this noble act of America was at times quite surprising indeed. General DeGaulle demanded of the American Secretary of State right after the war that American soldiers immediately leave France. To which the noble Secretary most appropriately replied " does that include the ones in your cemeteries"?
The fact is Obama's teleprompter should order him right now to apologize to America and Americans. It should also teach him another history lesson. The Cold War broke out right after WWII and Europe was again threatened, this time by the former Soviet Union. Enter the US once again, this time with the Marshall Plan that poured millions and millions of American dollars into rebuilding the economies of Western Europe. Let's also not forget the military defense shield we have provided Europe for the last 60 years, while they lift not a finger to defend themselves and at the same time incessantly whine about America's fighting the war on terror. This long term defense of Europe has been carried squarely on the backs of the American taxpayer.
Yes, Mr. President you should apologize and ask for forgiveness. You owe an apology to all of us and to our country. But sadly I know you won't. As the late Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick said in her convention speech in 1984 about you and your friends on the Left, "they always blame America first." Shame on you Sir, you should know better.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Lesson of Obama for Republicans
As an optimist, I believe that even when times are tough, all is not lost provided that we learn from our failures. In fact, it is in learning from failure that we guarantee future success. We have all heard the old maxim - "no pain, no gain." Which bring us to President Obama, whose Administration to date has been an unmitigated disaster for the country. Many on the Republican and Conservative side are feeling the pain at the turn of events since the election, and who can blame them. But there is a silver lining to this mess, and that is that the President and his Democratic cohorts in Congress have given the Republicans the blueprint to future success and ironically they have stolen it right out of President Reagan's book.
This sounds like a sacrilege comparing Obama to Reagan, but it is in fact true in this narrow sense. Remember on the campaign trail when Obama raised democratic eyebrows by saying that Clinton was not a transformational president the way Reagan was. The former Illinois Senator was on to something. What exactly is this blueprint for success? Quite simply it's called leadership. Obama for all his faults and erroneous policy decisions is not afraid to lead. He has furiously pushed his agenda, dubious though it may be, and has refused to compromise. In that respect, he is more like Reagan than any elected Republican since then. The Republican party foolishly began to turn away from Reagan when Bush 41 uttered his infamous "kinder and gentler" line in 1989. Obama is the anti- Reagan in terms of his policy, yet he is the spitting image of Reagan in terms of style. This is a deadly combination America, and will lead us down the road to ruin unless something is done to stop it.
Similarly, the Democratic Congress though equally misguided, is also not afraid to lead. They ram through legislation and have no qualms about shutting the minority completely out of the legislative process. To the victor go the spoils, as it were. While I disagree with this anti - American president and his democratic cronies, I must admit that I admire their approach. You hear no apologies from them, and no calls for reaching across the aisle. Not surprisingly people have followed, even if they're unsure that they like the message. This is because the country yearns for leadership, and will even follow a leader who is misguided.
Contrast that with the Republican approach when the GOP controlled the White House and the halls of Congress for six years. They completely abandoned the Reagan blueprint for success, and quite simply did not know how to lead. They continually looked to compromise with the minority and missed a golden opportunity. They were afraid to stand up for the very constituents who put them in power, and were more concerned with pleasing the Beltway cocktail set. They continued to believe the fallacy that if they went Democrat - lite, the dinosaur media would love them. Ask John McCain, the dinosaur's favorite Republican before the 2008 general election, how that turned out. They acted like they were embarassed of conservatism, and the voters punished them for it.
It is frustrating as a conservative to observe a party full of grassroots patriots saddled with leaders who are not worthy of them. It's the equivalent of a Super Bowl team with a Pop Warner coach. I'm sure the explanation from party officials will be that the Dems have the dinosaur media in their pocket, so it's easier for them. That is absolutely no excuse, particularly in this age of talk radio and alternative media. Ronald Reagan had nothing except for a few magazines like National Review and maybe a couple of newspapers. Obviously, great leaders like Reagan come along perhaps once a generation if we're lucky, but that's no excuse for elected Republicans now.
The country is in dire straits in the hands of Obama. It's time for Republican elected officials to hear the clarion call. Take up the Reagan blueprint, stand up for conservative principles, fight for the Constitution, and by all means show a little courage. Stop apologizing for being conservative, don't pander to special interest groups, treat all people as unique individuals, and defend America to the world.
Memo to Republican officials, open your eyes and honor the memory of Ronald Reagan. The recipe for success was laid out by the Gipper and has been usurped by Obama. Now is the time to take the recipe back. It's called leadership and it works.
This sounds like a sacrilege comparing Obama to Reagan, but it is in fact true in this narrow sense. Remember on the campaign trail when Obama raised democratic eyebrows by saying that Clinton was not a transformational president the way Reagan was. The former Illinois Senator was on to something. What exactly is this blueprint for success? Quite simply it's called leadership. Obama for all his faults and erroneous policy decisions is not afraid to lead. He has furiously pushed his agenda, dubious though it may be, and has refused to compromise. In that respect, he is more like Reagan than any elected Republican since then. The Republican party foolishly began to turn away from Reagan when Bush 41 uttered his infamous "kinder and gentler" line in 1989. Obama is the anti- Reagan in terms of his policy, yet he is the spitting image of Reagan in terms of style. This is a deadly combination America, and will lead us down the road to ruin unless something is done to stop it.
Similarly, the Democratic Congress though equally misguided, is also not afraid to lead. They ram through legislation and have no qualms about shutting the minority completely out of the legislative process. To the victor go the spoils, as it were. While I disagree with this anti - American president and his democratic cronies, I must admit that I admire their approach. You hear no apologies from them, and no calls for reaching across the aisle. Not surprisingly people have followed, even if they're unsure that they like the message. This is because the country yearns for leadership, and will even follow a leader who is misguided.
Contrast that with the Republican approach when the GOP controlled the White House and the halls of Congress for six years. They completely abandoned the Reagan blueprint for success, and quite simply did not know how to lead. They continually looked to compromise with the minority and missed a golden opportunity. They were afraid to stand up for the very constituents who put them in power, and were more concerned with pleasing the Beltway cocktail set. They continued to believe the fallacy that if they went Democrat - lite, the dinosaur media would love them. Ask John McCain, the dinosaur's favorite Republican before the 2008 general election, how that turned out. They acted like they were embarassed of conservatism, and the voters punished them for it.
It is frustrating as a conservative to observe a party full of grassroots patriots saddled with leaders who are not worthy of them. It's the equivalent of a Super Bowl team with a Pop Warner coach. I'm sure the explanation from party officials will be that the Dems have the dinosaur media in their pocket, so it's easier for them. That is absolutely no excuse, particularly in this age of talk radio and alternative media. Ronald Reagan had nothing except for a few magazines like National Review and maybe a couple of newspapers. Obviously, great leaders like Reagan come along perhaps once a generation if we're lucky, but that's no excuse for elected Republicans now.
The country is in dire straits in the hands of Obama. It's time for Republican elected officials to hear the clarion call. Take up the Reagan blueprint, stand up for conservative principles, fight for the Constitution, and by all means show a little courage. Stop apologizing for being conservative, don't pander to special interest groups, treat all people as unique individuals, and defend America to the world.
Memo to Republican officials, open your eyes and honor the memory of Ronald Reagan. The recipe for success was laid out by the Gipper and has been usurped by Obama. Now is the time to take the recipe back. It's called leadership and it works.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
NOW and the Fraud of Feminism
Feminism has finally been exposed after fifty years of pulling the wool over our eyes. While it has always been billed as a movement to advance the equal rights of women ,it is nothing of the sort. What is it then? It is a front organization for Socialism, a deceptive way to put a pretty face on an ugly philosophy that has been responsible for the death and poverty of millions wherever it has been practiced.
Why do I say feminism is a fraud? Take a look at the recent video of the vile, no -talent rapper M&M. This guy who can't act and can't sing just made a horrible video attacking Governor Palin and her family. Kudos to "The O'Reilly Factor", which ran a story about this video tonight. Not only is this video an attack on the Governor, it is an affront to all women. Where it NOW? Nowhere to be found! They won't utter a word about M&M, because Governor Palin is conservative and a threat to them. Her gender obviously means nothing. These socialists want absolute power and all conservatives must be crushed, male and female.
Indeed Governor Palin was savaged by the dinosaur media throughout the entire Presidential campaign, yet received zero support from her sisters at NOW. Not only did they not support her, they led the attack against her. Interestingly, NOW even abandoned Secretary of State Clinton during her Presidential campaign. While the Secretary was certainly a very liberal woman who supported the NOW philosophy, even she couldn't compete with a black, radical leftist candidate even if he was a man. Quite frankly, to NOW's way of thinking, race and socialism trump gender and even liberalism.
As for the aforementioned video about Governor Palin, can you imagine what would have happened if the conservative rapper Hi Calibur made a video about Michele Obama. NOW would send representatives on every dinosaur and liberal cable media outlet demanding that the video be pulled and that the corporate sponsor be boycotted. The NY Times would run a front page story accusing Hi Calibur of sexism, and probably racism since he's a white male playing a black music genre. Sympathetic stories making Michele out to be the next Virgin Mary would be everywhere.
Still not convinced. How about NOW's antagonistic position toward the Bush Administration. When Afghanistan was liberated from the Taliban in 2002, millions of Afghan women who had been beaten and treated like slaves were finally able to experience freedom. Yet not one word about their Muslim sisters from the socialists at NOW. Why give any credit to an Administration that did more for women throughout the world than any other, when it was opposed to Roe v. Wade? I guess "reproductive rights" in America trump the rights of millions of women in the world to get an education, vote, and to go out in public without fear.
Similarly, the women of NOW roared their disapproval at the Iraq war claiming it was illegal and in violation of international law. Never mind that the US liberated a country from a brutal dictator, who among other horrors ran rape rooms where innocent woman were beaten and sexually abused. Again not one word about their Iraqi sisters from NOW. The hypocrisy makes you cringe. It was more important to NOW to demonize George W. Bush than it was to stand up for the rights of their fellow women in the Middle East.
Let's not forget the Clinton - Lewinsky scandal either. A classic case of a powerful man taking advantage of a woman, the exact type of situation that we were told feminism would not tolerate. Surely NOW would storm to Ms Lewinsky's defense. Not so fast - Bill Clinton was a liberal President and NOW was duty bound to defend and support him. The rights of women be damned. I even recall an interview with the then President of NOW Eleanor Smeal, about the Lewinsky situation. Ms. Smeal was obviously very uncomfortable answering questions on the topic. The best she could muster was something about Lewinsky being an adult and that the affair was consensual. Needless to say, the reaction of NOW would have been quite different had President Clinton been a Republican.
The bottom line is that feminism has nothing to do with women's rights, other than perhaps abortion. Ironically most of the victims of abortion are women too, but that's another subject for another day. Suffice it to say, women will only be given equal rights in a society where the rights of the individual are respected as opposed to rights granted based on membership in a group. Ladies, I ask you do you want to be treated as true equal partners with men? Welcome to Conservatism . There's enough room for all of us and no glass ceiling.
Why do I say feminism is a fraud? Take a look at the recent video of the vile, no -talent rapper M&M. This guy who can't act and can't sing just made a horrible video attacking Governor Palin and her family. Kudos to "The O'Reilly Factor", which ran a story about this video tonight. Not only is this video an attack on the Governor, it is an affront to all women. Where it NOW? Nowhere to be found! They won't utter a word about M&M, because Governor Palin is conservative and a threat to them. Her gender obviously means nothing. These socialists want absolute power and all conservatives must be crushed, male and female.
Indeed Governor Palin was savaged by the dinosaur media throughout the entire Presidential campaign, yet received zero support from her sisters at NOW. Not only did they not support her, they led the attack against her. Interestingly, NOW even abandoned Secretary of State Clinton during her Presidential campaign. While the Secretary was certainly a very liberal woman who supported the NOW philosophy, even she couldn't compete with a black, radical leftist candidate even if he was a man. Quite frankly, to NOW's way of thinking, race and socialism trump gender and even liberalism.
As for the aforementioned video about Governor Palin, can you imagine what would have happened if the conservative rapper Hi Calibur made a video about Michele Obama. NOW would send representatives on every dinosaur and liberal cable media outlet demanding that the video be pulled and that the corporate sponsor be boycotted. The NY Times would run a front page story accusing Hi Calibur of sexism, and probably racism since he's a white male playing a black music genre. Sympathetic stories making Michele out to be the next Virgin Mary would be everywhere.
Still not convinced. How about NOW's antagonistic position toward the Bush Administration. When Afghanistan was liberated from the Taliban in 2002, millions of Afghan women who had been beaten and treated like slaves were finally able to experience freedom. Yet not one word about their Muslim sisters from the socialists at NOW. Why give any credit to an Administration that did more for women throughout the world than any other, when it was opposed to Roe v. Wade? I guess "reproductive rights" in America trump the rights of millions of women in the world to get an education, vote, and to go out in public without fear.
Similarly, the women of NOW roared their disapproval at the Iraq war claiming it was illegal and in violation of international law. Never mind that the US liberated a country from a brutal dictator, who among other horrors ran rape rooms where innocent woman were beaten and sexually abused. Again not one word about their Iraqi sisters from NOW. The hypocrisy makes you cringe. It was more important to NOW to demonize George W. Bush than it was to stand up for the rights of their fellow women in the Middle East.
Let's not forget the Clinton - Lewinsky scandal either. A classic case of a powerful man taking advantage of a woman, the exact type of situation that we were told feminism would not tolerate. Surely NOW would storm to Ms Lewinsky's defense. Not so fast - Bill Clinton was a liberal President and NOW was duty bound to defend and support him. The rights of women be damned. I even recall an interview with the then President of NOW Eleanor Smeal, about the Lewinsky situation. Ms. Smeal was obviously very uncomfortable answering questions on the topic. The best she could muster was something about Lewinsky being an adult and that the affair was consensual. Needless to say, the reaction of NOW would have been quite different had President Clinton been a Republican.
The bottom line is that feminism has nothing to do with women's rights, other than perhaps abortion. Ironically most of the victims of abortion are women too, but that's another subject for another day. Suffice it to say, women will only be given equal rights in a society where the rights of the individual are respected as opposed to rights granted based on membership in a group. Ladies, I ask you do you want to be treated as true equal partners with men? Welcome to Conservatism . There's enough room for all of us and no glass ceiling.
Liberal Transformational Vocablulary
Liberals call things by different names to change the meaning of what it is they're actually up to. I like to call these deliberate misnomers "transformational vocabulary". If you call something by other than its real name, it helps you rationalize that what you're doing is not all that bad, and in fact by changing its name you can even make it "good". For as we all know,liberals are all about feeling good. Here are some of my favorite examples of liberal transformational vocabulary:
Murder - Abortion
Terrorism - Man Made Disaster
Taxation - Investment
Close Minded - Liberal
Deviant Behavior - Alternative Lifestyle
Profiling - Racism
Legitimate Political Dissent - Racism
Republican - Racist
Individualism - Selfishness
Illegal Aliens - Geographically challenged people
Patriotism - Nativism
Communism - Fairness
Socialized Medicine - Affordable Healthcare
Terrorist - Freedom Fighter
Islamo - Fascist - Victim of American oppression
Engagement - Appeasement
Nazi Youth - AmeriCorp
Castro - Peaceloving
Chavez - Peaceloving
Gearge W. Bush - Warmonger
Expansion of government - stimulus
Is - it depends on what its meaning is
Christian - Sexist, racist, homophobe
Criminal - Community activist
As you can see, these folks don't look at the world through rose colored glasses. To the contrary, they're quite simply blind. They have spent fifty years distorting reality and in the process doing their best to ruin the country. They absolutely hate America and the American Dream. They are statists who want to totally run our lives. But don't despair, they can and will be defeated. When engaging a liberal, say what you and mean what you say. Your honesty and frankness will leave them stumbling and muttering. Deluge them with the facts, those stubborn little things they conveniently ignore, or better yet try to redefine as noted above. Trust me, they won't have any answers, they'll just call you vile names. In liberal transformational vocabulary, they're just engaging in honest political debate.
Murder - Abortion
Terrorism - Man Made Disaster
Taxation - Investment
Close Minded - Liberal
Deviant Behavior - Alternative Lifestyle
Profiling - Racism
Legitimate Political Dissent - Racism
Republican - Racist
Individualism - Selfishness
Illegal Aliens - Geographically challenged people
Patriotism - Nativism
Communism - Fairness
Socialized Medicine - Affordable Healthcare
Terrorist - Freedom Fighter
Islamo - Fascist - Victim of American oppression
Engagement - Appeasement
Nazi Youth - AmeriCorp
Castro - Peaceloving
Chavez - Peaceloving
Gearge W. Bush - Warmonger
Expansion of government - stimulus
Is - it depends on what its meaning is
Christian - Sexist, racist, homophobe
Criminal - Community activist
As you can see, these folks don't look at the world through rose colored glasses. To the contrary, they're quite simply blind. They have spent fifty years distorting reality and in the process doing their best to ruin the country. They absolutely hate America and the American Dream. They are statists who want to totally run our lives. But don't despair, they can and will be defeated. When engaging a liberal, say what you and mean what you say. Your honesty and frankness will leave them stumbling and muttering. Deluge them with the facts, those stubborn little things they conveniently ignore, or better yet try to redefine as noted above. Trust me, they won't have any answers, they'll just call you vile names. In liberal transformational vocabulary, they're just engaging in honest political debate.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Governor Palin is Publishing Her 2008 Campaign Memoirs
GO Sarahcuda.
And I sure hope she lets loose on the criminal media, the McCain inner-circle backstabbers and the PC-cancer that infected and ultimately doomed the senator from Arizona's presidential aspirations!
As for Levi, well it's obvious to me that Bristol made the right decision in dumping his sorry butt!
And I sure hope she lets loose on the criminal media, the McCain inner-circle backstabbers and the PC-cancer that infected and ultimately doomed the senator from Arizona's presidential aspirations!
As for Levi, well it's obvious to me that Bristol made the right decision in dumping his sorry butt!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Palm Beach County Tea Party FB Page Hijacked
Ah, more liberal tolerance! The Facebook event page for the Palm Beach County Tea Party was hacked, but to quote organizer Everett Wilkinson, "We take this as a compliment that our tea party is getting attention."
If you live in South Florida and would like more information, please go to this site. They are also asking for volunteers to make signs and help spread the word.
Fortunately, the South Florida Conservatives page I set up on FB is still up and running, as is the Palm Beach County Tea Party event link I'd posted there.
Folks, if you don't find these incidents alarming, you're just not paying attention. In Cape Coral, the local government tried to prohibit citizens from exercising their right to free speech and assembly, but thanks to patriot and Facebook friend Mary Rakovitch, they were not successful. And now, I've learned from Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, that the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (backed by Raving RINO Olympia Snowe, and Democrats Jay Rockefeller and Bill Nelson) threatens the Fourth Amendment.
Hope, change, thuggery: welcome to the Obamanation!
If you live in South Florida and would like more information, please go to this site. They are also asking for volunteers to make signs and help spread the word.
Fortunately, the South Florida Conservatives page I set up on FB is still up and running, as is the Palm Beach County Tea Party event link I'd posted there.
Folks, if you don't find these incidents alarming, you're just not paying attention. In Cape Coral, the local government tried to prohibit citizens from exercising their right to free speech and assembly, but thanks to patriot and Facebook friend Mary Rakovitch, they were not successful. And now, I've learned from Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, that the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (backed by Raving RINO Olympia Snowe, and Democrats Jay Rockefeller and Bill Nelson) threatens the Fourth Amendment.
Hope, change, thuggery: welcome to the Obamanation!
Chester County Tea Party
Yesterday while I was BBQ'ing in South Florida, Mom, Dad, Ralph, Mark, wife Lisa and their four children Mark, Alexa, Julianna and Sophia, attended a Tea Party protest in West Chester, PA.
Mom sent me the following email after the event:
What a wonderful experience to be with like-minded people. We had about 300 or more in attendance, and we started with The Pledge of Allegiance, The Star Spangled Banner and the Our Father. We waved flags, carried posters and chanted praises of our beloved America. One of the speakers was a 12 year-old boy who wrote and delivered his own speech! He was tremendous!
We even had a man from Russia who spoke to us about the evils of Communism. Our next Tea Party is April 15 and I can't wait!
In related news, it seems a certain South Florida talk show host has decided that the Tea Parties aren't so masochistic after all! Well, as Doc Paul noted recently, we welcome you back Joycey!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Fascism and Freedom
In his book " Liberal Fascism", Jonah Goldberg dispels the notion perpetrated since the 1930's that Fascism is a right wing political philosophy ,while Communism is a left wing philosophy. This myth was spawned in 1939 when Hitler's Germany attacked Stalin's Russia. The Left in this country and throughout the world suddently turned on Hitler and his Nationa Socialist Party, and created this myth that he was a right winger. They couldn't stomach the fact that two left wing dictators were brutally fighting each other. Prior to that time, der Fuhrer like Comrade Stalin was a hero to the Left. Both of these brutal dictators seized power in their respective countries by force, and immediately took control of all private enterprise.
When one considers the spectrum of political philosphies, the far left side of the spectrum is populated by communism, fascism, and totalitarianism. All are forms of government where the state is paramount and seizes control of private enterprise, as well as control of every aspect of the lives of its citizenry. On the right side of the spectrum you will find democracy and capitalism, philosophies that believe in limited government, self - rule by the citizenry, and private enterprise/free markets.
What prompts this analysis is the fact that America has always been a democracy where there was a clear line between government and private enterprise. I never thought in my lifetime that that line would be blurred, let alone shattered. However, a seismic and tragic event occurred recently that should have all Americans up in arms. The US government seized control of a private company and the President of the United States actually fired the CEO of this private company. I never thought I would see the day that such an act would ever occur here.
Not surprisingly this Stalin - like act was virtually ignored by the dinosaur media, who viewed the story as one of a failed CEO who took taxpyer money. It's time to wake up America. Our country is disappearing right before our very eyes! The time is now for a second American Revolution. As for me, I am putting my money where my mouth is and taking my family to our first tea party tomorrow. I would ask that you join me in this fight for freedom, and attend tea parties in your own communities. Let's teach this President the same lesson that we taught King George III over two hundred years ago. Don't mess with freedom - loving, God-fearing Americans.
When one considers the spectrum of political philosphies, the far left side of the spectrum is populated by communism, fascism, and totalitarianism. All are forms of government where the state is paramount and seizes control of private enterprise, as well as control of every aspect of the lives of its citizenry. On the right side of the spectrum you will find democracy and capitalism, philosophies that believe in limited government, self - rule by the citizenry, and private enterprise/free markets.
What prompts this analysis is the fact that America has always been a democracy where there was a clear line between government and private enterprise. I never thought in my lifetime that that line would be blurred, let alone shattered. However, a seismic and tragic event occurred recently that should have all Americans up in arms. The US government seized control of a private company and the President of the United States actually fired the CEO of this private company. I never thought I would see the day that such an act would ever occur here.
Not surprisingly this Stalin - like act was virtually ignored by the dinosaur media, who viewed the story as one of a failed CEO who took taxpyer money. It's time to wake up America. Our country is disappearing right before our very eyes! The time is now for a second American Revolution. As for me, I am putting my money where my mouth is and taking my family to our first tea party tomorrow. I would ask that you join me in this fight for freedom, and attend tea parties in your own communities. Let's teach this President the same lesson that we taught King George III over two hundred years ago. Don't mess with freedom - loving, God-fearing Americans.
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